Bratislava in 2030 as a caring, accessible, and resilient city for all
Bratislava is a city made for people.
It is a caring city that creates. It provides the conditions for a dignified life for all citizens, regardless of their current situation or background.
The city communicates with its residents and is guided by the principle of cooperation. Bratislava promotes equality, inclusion, and access to opportunity.
Bratislava is a healthy and vibrant city with scale.
It is being developed as a 15-minute city. Services, amenities, and culture in such city are available within individual districts and neighborhoods.
The city is responsible for its natural resources. It offers quality public space, diverse culture, and accessible opportunities for exercise, recreation, and healthy living.
Bratislava is a city ready to face the challenges of the future.
It is a resilient and confident city that has successfully placed itself in the Central European context.
Bratislava is managed strategically, professionally, and efficiently. Modern institutions coupled with digital and technical infrastructure meet the needs of the future. It successfully reduces the impact of climate change.
How to achieve this vision?
We have the Bratislava 2030 plan!
What is the
Bratislava 2030 plan?
Bratislava 2030, subtitled City Development Plan 2022-2030, is a strategic document, which you may also know under the older name Economic and Social Development Scheme (ESDS).
Bratislava 2030 is a key document for the management of local government. It identifies challenges and defines goals and priorities for future development.
At the same time, it provides a set of tools and measures that will enable local government to achieve the objectives.
The document consists of three parts.
What is the
Bratislava 2030 plan?
Bratislava 2030, subtitled City Development Plan 2022-2030, is a strategic document, which you may also know under the older name Economic and Social Development Scheme (ESDS).
Bratislava 2030 is a key document for the management of local government. It identifies challenges and defines goals and priorities for future development.
At the same time, it provides a set of tools and measures that will enable local government to achieve the objectives.
The document consists of three parts.
Bratislava Vision describes the overall vision of the city's development. It briefly introduces strategic planning and shows how we created the plan. The readers will also be acquainted with the methods of its implementation and financing.
The analytical part contains a comprehensive assessment of the city's baseline situation. The topics of the analytical section follow the structure of local government competencies. It is based on 11 topics that follow the structure of local government competencies.
We build on these starting points in the strategic part through strategic and specific objectives.
The strategic part contains the city's development strategy, with reference to its internal specificities. It determines the main direction, priorities, and objectives of the city's development with respect to principles of regional policy to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of the city and the quality of life for its inhabitants.
There is also information on the plan section, which mainly contains a list of measures and activities to ensure the implementation of the city development scheme.
Get To Know the Bratislava 2030 plan

Get to know the Bratislava 2030 plan in a simplified accompanying publication (in Slovak)
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