The Development of Bratislava 2030

The plan is based on the application of four principles
• Internal processing, which ensured intensive involvement of the city's expert capacities, either directly from the city or municipal organizations. The aim was to link strategic planning to the city's internal processes.
• Involvement of the general, organized, and professional public through public meetings (Metropolitan Forums), surveys, workshops, and especially meetings of Working Groups. Those were composed of the senior or professional staff of the city, city districts, and organizations, as well as third-party experts.
Taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals as defined in the international document 2030 Agenda
Setting up the monitoring system. Measurable indicators are linked to the objectives. They will enable us to effectively monitor how we are meeting the targets.
The plan is based on the application of four principles
• Internal processing, which ensured intensive involvement of the city's expert capacities, either directly from the city or municipal organizations. The aim was to link strategic planning to the city's internal processes.
• Involvement of the general, organized, and professional public through public meetings (Metropolitan Forums), surveys, workshops, and especially meetings of Working Groups. Those were composed of the senior or professional staff of the city, city districts, and organizations, as well as third-party experts.
Taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals as defined in the international document 2030 Agenda
Setting up the monitoring system. Measurable indicators are linked to the objectives. They will enable us to effectively monitor how we are meeting the targets.

Working Groups
Working groups prepared the new strategy's contents. They engaged in the analysis of the current situation, starting points, and setting up the objectives, measures, and tools for implementation.
The first meetings of the working groups took place in the first half of 2020. Six thematic working groups were set up, consisting of representatives of the city districts.
The topics they researched included culture, education, training, social affairs, energy, transport, environment, and waste. The working groups met three times between April and June 2020 and developed common tasks through facilitated workshops. The meetings aimed to review the current state of affairs, and identify the main problems and priorities, especially from the perspective of individual municipalities. The working groups had 57 members.
In 2021, working groups were assembled from the Municipality's professional staff and external experts based on previous process and findings. The 11 working groups consisted of 116 members in total. The working groups were thematic again but covered a wider range of topics. The working groups met regularly. Their task was to identify the most important challenges and define the goals that Bratislava needs to achieve by 2030 and how to measure this.
Working Group for technical infrastructure
Skupinu tvorili: Juraj Nyulassy, Roman Herda, Ivana Maleš, Martin Ševeček, Ivan Peschl
Working Group for mobility
Skupinu tvorili: Roman Alberty, Peter Netri, Michal Dekánek, Peter Rozsár, Peter Klučka, Peter Bánovec, Patrik Kohan, Matúš Kužel
Working Group for sport
Skupinu tvorili: Miroslav Chmelár, Ladislav Križan, Matej Lehuta, Branislav Strečanský, Barbora Košťálová
Working Group for development of institutions and digitalization
Skupinu tvorili: Martin Kollárik, Petra Dzurovčinová, Viktor Bederka, Adriana Čatlošová, Lukáš Dinda, Michal Garaj, Zuzana Ivašková, Ctibor Koštál, Ivan Peschl, Michaela Benedigová, Petra Novosadová, Matúš Lupták, Veronika Ľahká, Pavol Troiak, Lucia Škrovanová, Pavol Škápik, Martin Vavrek
Working Group for urban and city development
Skupinu tvorili: Juraj Šujan, Martin Berežný, Samuel Achberger, Jiří Deyl, Dana Drobniaková, Vladimír Hrdý, Igor Marko, Oto Nováček, Martin Šveda, Roman Žitňanský
Working Group for tourism
Skupinu tvorili: Ľudmila Novacká, Vladimír Grežo, Zora Jaurová, Nina Ernecker, Tomáš Bezoušek
Working Group for economic development
Skupinu tvorili: Matúš Lupták, Ján Mazúr, Bruno Konečný, Tomáš Štrba, Juraj Šujan
Working Group for social affairs
Riadiaca skupina komunitného plánovania sociálnych služieb podľa rozhodnutia primátora č. 5/2021 plnila funkciu pracovnej skupiny PHSR.
Skupinu tvorili: Miriama Kanioková, Lenka Plavuchová Antalová, Lucia Štasselová, Sergej Kára,Hana Štetinová, Jana Langová, Marica Šiková, Marián Horanič, Anna Ghannamová, Jozef Kákoš, Zdenka Letenayová, Alexandra Pódová, Rostislav Pořízek, Eva Račická, Barbora Brichtová, Iveta Chovancová, Anna Pivková, Táňa Sedláková, Zuzana Michalidesová Kubíková
Working Group for education
Skupinu tvorili: Ema Tesarčíková, Vladimír Burjan, Viera Kalmárová, Peter Dráľ, Martin Kuruc, Tina Gažovičová, Viktor Križo, Michal Rehúš, Alexandra Ostertagová, Mária Bednáriková, Alena Tomanová, Jakub Hrbáň
Working Group for culture
Členovia a členky pracovnej skupiny pre tvorbu Koncepcie udržateľného rozvoja kultúry BRATISLAVA 2030 tvorili aj materiál Bratislava 2030.
Skupinu tvorili: Zuzana Ivašková, Andrea Kocianová, Iva Borčinová, Petra Báliková, Dominika Belanská, Zuzana Bobiková, Viera Böttcher, Martin Brix, Ľubomír Burgr, Ladislav Dudor, Michal Duchoň, Šimon Ferstl, Katarína Figula, Petra Fornayová, Nina Galanská, Peter Galdík, Ľudka Glembová, Zuzana Hallová, Žofia Halmová, Jana Hamšíková, Zuzana Hekel, Jakub Hrbáň, Tomáš Hučko, Katarína Hulíková, Zora Jaurová, Šymon Kliman, Martin Kováč, Miroslava Kovářová, Patrik Krebs, Slávo Krekovič, Martin Krištof, Eva Križková, Katarína Kucbelová, Hana Kucharovičová, Magda Kuchtová, Zuzana Liptáková, Jozef Lupták, Martin Macko, Lea Majerčáková, František Malík, Dušan Martinčok, Zuzana Mrvová, Laco Oravec, Róbert Pakan, Martin Piaček, Róbert Pakan, Zuzana Palicová, Michaela Pobudová, Sandra Polovková, Jürgen Rendl, Ivana Rumanová, Jana Slezáková, Matej Sotník, Ivo Štassel, Tomáš Štefek, Peter Šulej, Pavel Šuška, Katarína Trnovská, Daniel Vadas, Zuzana Weberová, Silvia Zvarová, Roman Žitňanský a ďalší
Working Group for environment
Skupinu tvorili: Eva Streberová, Michal Marcinov, Andrej Kovarik, Katarína Tomanová Porubčinová, Alena Trančíková, Katarína Gablíková, Eva Kanyicska-Sima, Marek Páva, Jana Matejovičová, Jozef Pecho, Eva Pekárová, Zora Paulíniová
Irena Adámková, Naďa Bendová, Martin Brestovanský, Ján Čelko, Mária Filipová, Michal Hladký, Ivan Hromada, Silvia Hroncová, Peter Hronček, Zita Izakovičová, Martin Jerguš, Ján Kovalčík, Peter Kulich, Jana Miháliková, Juraj Minčík, Eva Pauditšová, Lucia Pospišová, Štefan Vanya
Metropolitan Forums
The Metropolitan Forums were an important part of the preparation process for the Bratislava 2030 document. The Metropolitan Forum was created as a space for a joint transparent discussion of urban issues of the capital city with representatives of the organized civil and professional public from the public, private and non-governmental sectors. The basic task of the forums was to provide feedback to the Bratislava 2030 team and the city council and to make recommendations on solutions to specific issues related to the city's development. The meetings were an opportunity to discuss the challenges Bratislava is facing, to name the problems, to jointly create inputs for the vision, and later to verify the formulation of goals and measures.
The first Metropolitan Forum was dedicated to the environment, mobility, and energy. The second forum held discussions on culture, education, and social affairs. The third forum focused on global megatrends and their reflection in the context of Bratislava. The fourth and fifth sessions focused on the future and the search for a strong vision. The two remaining forums presented the preliminary outputs of the working groups and created a space to gather feedback from the public.
Seven Metropolitan Forums were held between March 2020 and September 2021. A total of 175 representatives of different organizations and stakeholders attended. The eighth Metropolitan Forum was a public hearing where the strategic plan was presented in detail and comments were collected.
Metropolitan Forum I
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
- minutes (in Slovak) (pdf)
- attendee list (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum II
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
- minutes (in Slovak) (pdf)
- attendee list (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum III
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
- minutes (in Slovak) (pdf)
- attendee list (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum IV
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
- sektorové ciele (pdf)
- minutes (in Slovak) (pdf)
- attendee list (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum V
- program (pdf)
- prezentácia Bývanie a voľný čas (pdf)
- prezentácia Mobilita, Energetika, Cirkulárna ekonomika (pdf)
- prezentácia Práca a vzdelávanie (pdf)
- minutes (in Slovak) (pdf)
- attendee list (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum VI
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum VII
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
Metropolitan Forum VIII
- program (pdf)
- presentation (in Slovak) (pdf)
Watch the recording of the presentation of the strategic plan Bratislava 2030 draft at the Metropolitan Forum
All Metropolitan Forums recordings can be found on our YouTube channel
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